Natural Spoken Language Facilitation In-Person Workshop
Hyderabad, India

Date: 8 April, 2023
Venue Location: Hotel Hampshire, Lakdi ka pul
Time: 9.00am to 1.00pm

You are One Step Away from Transforming a Child's Whole Future!

Meet Marci Personally for a 
One-of-a Kind Interactive Workshop Experience

Cost is Only $47 US = 3800 Rupees
(Per FAMILY = Both Parents)

It's time to start a NEW journey in a direction you know is toward natural speech.
Your first activity begins with immediate access to workshop training materials.

The Workshop Begins Soon!

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ONE TIME OFFER: Exclusive opportunity for workshop attendees! Schedule a one-hour personal consultation session for only $61 US (5000 Rupees). LIMITED AVAILABILITY - spots will fill up fast.

(Debit and Credit cards are accepted.)
Send questions to

What Outcome Do YOU Want to Facilitate?

I luckily practiced all of these tips and it worked. It's been 3 months - Teacher says he has settled well in the group and does not show behaviors like closing ears, roaming in the class and self-talking. He listens well to the group instructions and is independent in most of the things. - Devyani, India
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